HEART Skills for the Planet

Earth Month, observed each April, aims to raise awareness about environmental challenges and the importance of safeguarding our planet. Throughout the month, schools, businesses, and community groups engage in initiatives and events promoting sustainability, conservation, and environmental awareness.

Check out Earth Day to learn more about events, initiatives, and organizations working to protect the environment.

Earth Month offers students the chance to cultivate social and emotional competencies related to environmental responsibility, empowering them to contribute to a sustainable future.

Let’s examine the HEART in Mind model and its role in fostering a greater appreciation for the environment and motivating individuals to take protective action:

Honor Your Emotions: Earth Month provides an opportunity to explore and recognize the emotions that arise when learning about environmental issues, such as sadness, anger, or hope. By honoring and processing these emotions, individuals can develop a deeper understanding of their relationship with the environment.

In the classroom–Create space for students to reflect on their emotional responses to environmental issues, such as climate change, deforestation, or pollution, and validate these experiences. Provide time for students to express their emotions through creative activities, such as drawing or writing about their feelings toward the natural world.

Elect Your Responses: During Earth Month, individuals can consider how to respond to environmental issues and the consequences of daily choices, including what can happen if we don’t do anything. By making conscious choices about how to engage with the environment, students can develop agency and a sense of empowerment.

In the classroomHave students research and present on different environmental issues and possible solutions, encouraging them to consider their own actions and choices. Brainstorm actions that students can take to reduce their environmental impact, such as reducing waste, conserving energy, or using public transportation. Have students commit to taking at least one action and track their progress.

Apply Empathy: Earth Month encourages individuals to apply empathy towards the natural world and to recognize the interdependence between humans and the environment. By developing empathy for the environment, individuals can nurture a greater sense of responsibility towards protecting it.

In the classroom–Encourage students to explore the perspectives of different stakeholders in environmental issues, such as local communities, wildlife, or future generations. Have students write from the perspective of a plant or animal, describing their experiences of environmental change and their needs for survival.

Reignite Your Relationships: Outdoor activities, gardening, or environmental volunteering can help students strengthen their relationships and practice social skills. When we engage with the environment in meaningful ways, we deepen our connection to the planet and foster a sense of stewardship.

In the classroom–Plan outdoor activities that allow students to connect with the natural world, such as nature walks, gardening, or birdwatching. Invite local environmental organizations to give talks or workshops to the class, providing opportunities for students to engage with the community.

Transform with Purpose: By participating in Earth Month activities and taking action toward environmental stewardship, students can develop a sense of purpose and help transform their communities. By working towards a shared purpose of protecting the environment, individuals can develop a sense of collective efficacy and contribute to a more sustainable future.

In the classroom–Have students create an environmental action plan for the school or community, identifying specific goals and actions to achieve them. Encourage students to think about the long-term impact of their actions and to consider their role as responsible citizens and stewards of the environment.

Do you want more activities to incorporate this model in your classroom? Make sure you grab a copy of Teaching with the HEART in Mind

Celebrating Earth Month means dedicating time to focus on environmental challenges and take action to protect our communities and planet. When we involve students in this work, we help them build essential HEART skills and nurture a deeper appreciation for the natural world and its preservation.

May we make a positive impact on the planet and ensure a better future for generations to come.

This post has been adapted from its original post in Abril 2023. 

Picture by Henry Be. 

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