Celebrating SEL Day

Join the global celebration this Friday, March 8, as educators and parents worldwide commemorate the fifth annual International Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Day under the theme “Today’s Students, Tomorrow’s Leaders.”

SEL Day is a grassroots movement advocating for social-emotional learning to bolster children’s academic recovery, mental well-being, and overall growth. Since its inception in 2020, #SELday has garnered over 40 million views, illustrating its profound impact.

To mark SEL Day, I am thrilled to deliver an in-person keynote for school counselors in California, along with hosting two free virtual events. One session will delve into adult SEL and leadership, while the other will focus on parenting and sharing inspirational stories of growth. I invite you to join me for either or both of these enriching sessions. Click on the images below to learn more and RSVP.

School Climate Symposium

Santa Cruz COE, CA

Adult SEL Workshop

SPA, Teachers College

Stories of Growth

Confident Parents, Confident Kids

Honoring Impactful SEL Educators

Additionally, on this occasion, I want to shine a light on the remarkable SEL endeavors of Marla L. Echols, named the 2024 DoDEA (Department of Defense Education Activity) Europe South Teacher of the Year. Marla, an educator serving children of US military families in Rota, Spain, has been instrumental in fostering SEL implementation at her school through Teaching with the HEART in Mind. It was an honor to connect with her at the CASEL SEL Exchange Conference in Atlanta, GA.

In her own words: I am a JOYful educator of the heart who aspires to foster authentic and sustainable home, school, and community partnerships in efforts to be the village our learners need. I believe working together works. When we build a common language, education on strategies, and identify resources around SEL and well-being, we are able to work with the “HEART in mind” with a proactive and equitable lens.

As we honor SEL Day, let’s unite in action by embodying, instructing, and championing SEL in all possible ways. Whether by attending one of my sessions, engaging in the SEL Day summit, exploring these toolkits for inspiration and additional resources, or simply spreading awareness about the vital importance of nurturing emotional intelligence in both students and adults.

May each of us play a part in fostering a world where SEL flourishes, laying the foundation for a brighter future. Happy SEL Day!

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